Wolfie's Call of the Wild Huskies
for more information contact Von Martin
Von Martin and the 2009 Serum Run Expedition
"The Yukon at 22 Degrees Below Zero"
Von's huskies enjoy a few minutes off the dog truck as temperatures dropped to 22 degrees below zero under clear blue skies. The drive north to Alaska covered over 2,500 miles, traveling 12 to 14 hours a day for 6 long, icy days and nights.
"Destruction Bay"
One of the most remote and unforgiving places on earth, a breakdown at the edge of solidly frozen Destruction Bay in the Yukon Territory would prove fatal without proper outfitting. Von and his huskies made the long journey to Alaska loaded with more than 1,200 lbs of food and supplies.
"Gateway to Alaska"
The view from Von's truck as he enters the Alaska Range on the frozen Alaskan Highway. The final leg of the journey to Alaska between Tok and Big Lake covered more than 350 twisting, mountainous miles as temperatures dipped to 18 degrees below zero.
"Sorting Expedition Supplies"
It took nearly 3 days to reorganize and pack several hundred supply items into separate bags to be cached by bush plane to six locations along the 800 mile expedition route. Included in Von's supplies were over 800 lbs of dog kibble, 160 lbs of meat for the dogs, and over 1,200 dog booties.
"Packing Drop Bags"
Von seals one of his 30 expedition drop bags by "fidding" a poly cord line through the neck of the bag to seal it tighly closed.
photo by Ken Walsh
"Trail Supplies"
Expedition supplies totaling several thousand pounds are sorted by "drop point" onto separate pallets as they await removal from an Anchorage airport warehouse. Included in the supplies are hundreds of pound of straw to provide bedding for dog teams along the trail.